
"Articulation and Alignment of Knowledge about Organizational Work", Donnerstag 10.11.2016 Beginn 16.15 Uhr, WE5/04.004

Human work in organizations is an inherently collaborative phenomenon. People rely on information provided by others and in turn are required to provide others with the re-sults of their work. In order to collaborate successfully, the involved actors need to deve-lop a shared understanding of their work processes and align their mutual expectations on how to interact with each other. The presentation introduces a methodology to sup-port these articulation and alignment activities via collaborative conceptual modeling practices. It then shows how the results of articulation can be further used in informati-on system (re-)design. Experiences from case studies in different industrial domains illustrate the application of the methodology and its supporting technical artifacts.

Stefan Oppl is an assistant professor of Business Information Systems - Communications Engineering at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria, and a visiting researcher at Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands. He has obtained master degrees in com-puter science and applied knowledge management at the Kepler University of Linz and finished his PhD in computer science at the Technical University of Vienna in 2010. His current research interests focus on human-centered support articulation and alignment of knowledge about collaborative work processes. He has coordinated several national and EU-founded research projects on these topics and has published over 50 papers in the areas of workgroup support systems, business process elicitation, knowledge ma-nagement, conceptual modeling, and tangible interface design.

Thema: "Articulation and Alignment of Knowledge about Organizational Work"
Referent: Stefan Oppl
Zeit: Donnerstag 10.11.2016, Beginn: 16.15 Uhr
Ort: WE5/04.004