Ort: online

Ute Schmid beim WebTalk ?Data Literacy and AI in Primary Education?

Im Rahmen des TrainDL-Projekt der GI tauschen sich Expert*innen in einer moderierten Online-Diskussion aus und beantworten Fragen des Publikums.

Das TrainDL-Projekt der Gesellschaft für Informatik besch?ftigt sich mit der Inklusion von digitalen Kompetenzen in der Lehrkr?ftebildung:

?Growing up in the era of data and AI: Children in primary school now will have a fundamentally different relationship with technology than any generation before them. They will grow up with AI and data becoming increasingly prevalent – influencing their education, daily lives and future workplaces. However, until now there are few examples of educational activities focusing on AI and data literacy for the primary level and teachers are not equipped to thoroughly explain key concepts of AI and data. In this talk, experts will therefore explore what age-appropriate curricula and learning activities can look like. What does it take to make new generations fit for the digital world?