Ph.D. Projects and Habilitations

List of completed dissertations and habilitations 

Abu Shahid Abdullah: Speaking the Unspeakable: Traumatic Experience and Repressed Memory in Magical Realist Novels (Defense in February 2019)

Kerstin-Anja Münderlein: Gothic Parodies: Shifting the Frames of Genre and Reception (Defense in December 2018; magna cum laude)

Barbara Kehler: Written to Dialogise: Ian McEwan's Atonement and Sweet Tooth (Defense in July 2020; magna cum laude)

Johannes Weber: 'Like some damned Juggernaut'. The Proto-filmic Monstrosity of Late Victorian Literary Monsters (Defense in February 2015; summa cum laude)

Benjamin Pohl: The Historia Normannorum and Cultural Memory in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries: Codification, Canonisation, (Re-)Contextualisation" (Defense in April 2013; summa cum laude)

Anna Ricker: 'No name, no business, no Precious, nothing. Only empty.' J.R.R. Tolkien: Ein Autor der literarischen Moderne (Defense in January 2013; cum laude)

Susan Br?hler: Transkulturelle Identit?ten und europ?ische Migration in der Tradition des Bildungsromans Gro?britanniens, Frankreichs und Spaniens (Defense in March 2011; magna cum laude)

Anne Hrach: Tradition und Moderne in den gesellschaftskritischen Schriften von Stephen Spender und F. R. Leavis 1929 – 1946 (Defense in July 2010; magna cum laude)

Annick Sperlich: Family and Friends. Generation in the Ancestral Romances (Defense in July 2010; summa cum laude)

Anja Müller: Framing Childhood in Eighteenth-Century English Periodicals and Satirical Prints, 1689-1789 (Habilitation; W3 Professorship at the University of Siegen in 2010; Lehrstuhl für Anglistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft)

"BaBoDreSie" Colloquium

Once a year, Ph.D. candiates from the University of Bamberg have an opportunity to present and discuss part of their projects and give a talk during the "BaBoDreSie" Colloquium which was established by the partnership among the University of Bamberg, the Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, the Technische Universit?t Dresden and the University of Siegen. Listed below are the talks given by Bamberg candidates:


Alam, Mahbub. “Islamic Feminism: Giving Voice to the Hijabis.”

Almeida Ferreira Baldoino, Igor: "A New Everyday Hero is Born: The Age of the Underdog."

Li, Kai: "Imagining the Middle Ages: Illustrated Serial Fiction in The Illustrated London News during the Fin de Siècle."


Alam, Mahbub: "Integration and Multiculturalism: Redefining Identity in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane, Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia and Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss."

Almeida Ferreira Baldoino, Igor: "The First Steps towards Becoming a Heroine: Self-awareness, Standpoint and 'Limitations'."

Chowdhury, Touhid: "Un-told Stories: Immigrants Plight in Assimilating to the Host Society."

Kohzadi, Hamedreza: "Deep Ecology, Social Ecology and Ecofeminism in Margaret Atwood’s Ustopian MaddAddam Trilogy."


Almeida Ferreira Baldoino, Igor: "A Woman's Road to Mount Olympus: The Social Construction of the Female Hero."

Strempel, Lina. “Unreliable Faculties: Memory’s Fallibility in the Contemporary Novel.”


Da Lio, Giulia. “Moving towards Europe: the Disappearance of the Oriental Soviet in Caleb Crane’s Necessary Errors and Arthur Phillips Prague.”

Debney, Alexander. “Bellicosity in 20th-Century Literature.”

Almeida Ferreira Baldoino, Igor. “A Woman’s Road to Mount Olympus: The Journey of the Modern Heroine.”


Kohzadi, Hamedreza. "Deep Ecology and Shallow Ecology in Margaret Atwood’s Ustopian MaddAddam Trilogy Along with a Study of Ecophilosophy and Science: A Comparative Analysis."

Seelinger, Henriette: “Making Masculinity on the English Estate: The Historicizing Construction of Masculinity in Film Adaptations of Historical Novels from Jane Austen to Downton Abbey.”

Mardani, Maryam. “Revolution in Tom Stoppard's Trilogy The Coast of Utopia.”


Münderlein, Kerstin-Anja. ”The Genre Paradox.”

Shahid, Abdullah Abu. “Speaking the Unspeakable: Traumatic Experience and Repressed Memory in Magical Realist Novels.”

Kalkowski, Lisa. “Masculinity and Male Identity in Neo-Victorian Narratives.”

Da Lio, Giulia. “Empire Europe? Easternness and Europeaness in Brigid Pasulka’s A Long Long Time Ago and Essentially True.”

Mardani, Maryam. “Tom Stoppard's Trilogy The Coast of Utopia.”


Weber, Johannes. “The Proto-filmic Monstrosity of late Victorian Literary Figures.”

Kehler, Barbara. “Intentionally-intertextually Dialogised Subjectivity in Novels by Ian McEwan.”


Münderlein, Kerstin-Anja. “Locating Northanger Abbey.”

Impressions from the BaBoDreSie Colloquium in 2016