Final Theses

In every term we supervise final theses at the Chair for Strategy and Organization Studies. Students who wish to have their theses supervised by our chair must apply in advance.

The application deadline for Bachelor's and Master's theses for the summer terms is 28th of February and for winter terms 31st of August.

The prerequisite for the supervision of a Bachelor's/Master's thesis is a basic knowledge of organisation, which can usually be proven by attending at least one of the Chair's courses. Please note that applications will not be considered after the end of the application period.

The following documents must be submitted to Ute Han? (Chair Secretariat) on time and collected in a pdf file:

  • Application Form(118.5 KB, 1 page) incl. indication of the attended courses
  • motivation letter (1 page)
  • CV (1-2 pages)
  • Current FlexNow print out

In the motivation letter you have the opportunity to suggest a topic or a concrete topic of your choice. For this purpose, you can orientate yourself on the main areas of interest and research topics of the employees or suggest your own subject area. However, the topic proposals must be related to the topic "Organisation/Organisation Theory" and/or "Strategy"!

All deadlines also apply to work with a practice partner. We will inform you as soon as possible after the end of the registration period whether you have been assigned a supervision position.

The Bachelor's or Master's thesis seminar takes place at the beginning of the lecture period. The dates are not yet fixed. Attendance is compulsory.