Research Centres

The University of Bamberg is home to the following research centres. These were established for the long-term pursuit of a specific research purpose.

Bamberg Economic Research Group on Government and Growth

Feldkirchenstra?e 21, Room: F 240, 96047 Bamberg, phone: +49 951 863-2687, fax: +49 951 863-5547, email: public-economics(at)

The Economic Research Group at the University of Bamberg is an institute within Public Economics. The objective of BERG is to achieve a deeper understanding of the role of government in the economic growth and development process by working as comprehensively as possible in various research areas.

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Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic/Psychotherapeutic Research Centre

Markusplatz 3, Room: M3/317, 96047 Bamberg, phone: +49 951 66675, fax: +49 951 863-4881, email: susanne.selig(at)

The outpatient clinic is an institute within the Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. It offers research and training in psychotherapy as well as being a model for providing outpatient psychotherapeutic care. It also maintains a link to the training institute Centre for Integrative Psychotherapy CIP Bamberg.

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer Research Centre for Public Theology

Markusplatz 3, Room 118, 96047 Bamberg, phone: +49 951 863-1844, fax: +49 951 863-4844, email: thomas.wabel(at)

The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Research Centre for Public Theology is located within the Systematic Theology unit. It practises public theology in the tradition of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who as a theologian took a critical and constructive stand on the public questions and unfathomable horrors of his time. The Dietrich Bonhoeffer Research Centre for Public Theology is the German base of the “Global Network for Public Theology” founded in Princeton in May 2007.

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Research Centre for Applied Sports Science

Feldkirchenstra?e 29, Room F616, 96045 Bamberg, phone: +49 951 863-1941, fax: +49 951 863-4939, email: stefan.voll(at) 

The new Research Centre for Applied Sports Science forms the third pillar of the University Sports Centre alongside the sports didactic teacher training degree programme and General University Sports.

These research focus areas

  1. Sport as a success factor for organisations
  2. Didactics and methodology of trend sports
  3. Sport ethics/sport psychology
  4. Basketball

go hand in hand with the transfer of the corresponding knowledge.

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Research Centre for Sustainable Mobility for Commodities and Persons

Feldkirchenstra?e 21, Room: F 044, 96052 Bamberg, phone: +49 951 863-2518, fax: +49 951 863-2520, email: eric.sucky(at)

The Research Centre for Sustainable Mobility for Commodities and Persons is located within Operations Management and Logistics.

To advance the desire for individual mobility in the movement of persons, but also the pursuit of customised transport of goods and commodities that balances the conflicting priorities of time, cost, and quality and takes into account the three aspects of sustainability - ecology, economy and the social dimension - the problems in these areas need to be identified and structured, and alternative courses of action need to be developed and evaluated.

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Research Centre of Methods for the Foundation of Normativity

An der Universit?t 2, Room no. 01.06, phone: +49 951 863-1951, 96047 Bamberg, email: marko.fuchs(at)

The Research Centre of Methods for the Foundation of Normativity is an institute within Philosophy I and Philosophy II at the University of Bamberg. The objective of the research centre is to consolidate work and research activities in the field of philosophical foundations, i.e. the applicability, validity, status, and scope of normative standards.

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Research Centre Household Finance & Financial Literacy

Kirsch?ckerstra?e 39, Room 205, 96045 Bamberg, phone: +49 951 863-2537, fax: +49 951 863-2538, email: andreas.oehler(at)

The Research Centre Household Finance & Financial Literacy is located within the Chair of Finance. The research centre is designed to contribute to raising the profile of the University of Bamberg in consumer research and to develop contributions for strategic orientation in the field of consumer finance and consumer education as well as practical recommendations for action and solutions. As an independent institute, it combines the perspectives of all groups of people and institutions involved in equal measure.

The research centre is managed by Professor Andreas Oehler, who has been working for many years in both research and practical contexts on investor and customer behaviour in retail banking and retail insurance, retirement schemes and “Riester” products, the behaviour of stakeholders in financial markets, household finance, consumer policy, consumer research and consumer literacy - empirically, experimentally, and theoretically.

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Research Centre Bamberg Living Lab Dementia (BamLiD)

Hainstra?e 10, rear building, barrier-free basement, several laboratories and offices.

Isabelle Lindner, M.Sc.: phone: +49 951 863-1853, email: isabelle-m.lindner(at)
Professor Stefan Lautenbacher: phone: +49 951 863-1851, email: stefan.lautenbacher(at)

The Research Centre Bamberg Living Lab Dementia (BamLid) has existed as a special laboratory for behavioural research and behavioural diagnostics examining elderly people with and without dementia since 2021. The technical equipment also permits the investigation of other mental and neurological disorders to optimise diagnostics and therapy. The key people involved (who are also members of the research centre’s advisory council) are representatives of the following fields at the University of Bamberg: Psychology (Prof. Lautenbacher, Prof. Carbon, Prof. Steins-L?ber, Prof. Wolstein), Computer Science (Prof. Schmid, Prof. Nicklas) and Theology (Prof. Wei?er) and the Bamberg Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Prof. Hajak) as well as the Centre for Geriatric Medicine (Prof. Grupp). There is a very close collaboration with Medical Psychology in Augsburg (Prof. Kunz) in the field of Behavioural Health Computing and as co-lead of BamLiD. We simulate everyday activities with corresponding behavioural tests (“daily activity simulation”) and objectively measure behaviour and psychophysiology with multi-sensor architecture (video, audio, smart floor, biosignal recorder). The complex behavioural data is also analysed using artificial intelligence methods.

Go to the Research Centre Bamberg’s Living Lab Dementia (BamLiD)