Secretary's Office

Karolina Kohlmann 

Tel.: +49 951 / 863-2640
Fax: +49 951 / 863-2641
Email: karolina.kohlmann(at)
Feldkirchenstra?e 21, room F21 / 03.15


Opening hours:

Wednesday - Thursday, 9:30 am-12:30

Right alongside the office you will find a letter box. You can post there at any time documents and course work for the Chair of Political Theory as well as for Didactics of Social Studies (Dr Friedrichs).

Postal address:

University of Bamberg
Chair of Political Theory
96045 Bamberg

Visitor and Parcel Address:

University of Bamberg
Chair of Political Theory
Feldkirchenstrasse 21
96052 Bamberg