Contact persons

Study programme representative and chairman of the examination board

Prof. Dr. Andreas Jungherr

Feldkirchenstra?e 21
Room FMA/01.12
96045 Bamberg

Mail: andreas.jungherr(at)
Phone: +49 (0)951/863 2737

Subject Advisory Service Master Political Science

Dr. Simon Scheller

Feldkirchenstra?e 21
Room: F21/03.22
96045 Bamberg

E-Mail: simon.scheller(at)
Tel.: +49 (0)951 863-2619

Anti-discrimination office

M.Sc. Cindy Str?mel-Scheder

An der Weberei 5
Room: WE5/03.083
96047 Bamberg

E-Mail: antidiskriminierung(at)
Tel.: +49 (0)951 863-1531

Central Student Advisory Service

On the website of the central student advisory service, you will find detailed information on the various offers.

Student Office

Website of the Student Office

Kapuzinerstra?e 25 (Rückgeb?ude)
96047 Bamberg

E-Mail: studierendenkanzlei[at]
Tel: +49 951 863 1024

Examination Office

If you have any questions about examinations, (final) papers, credits, certificates, etc., the Examinations Office is always there to help and advise you.

Further advice centres

There may be situations in your studies where you need advice and support from professionals. You want to express your thoughts and reflections, you find yourself in changed circumstances, you are looking for advice or you just want to inform yourself: then take advantage of the diverse counselling services offered by the University of Bamberg.

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