Dr. Claudia He?

Dr. Claudia He? worked for the university from July 2004 till February 2008 as a scientist.


I finished my dissertation "Trust Based Reccomendations in Multi-Layer Networks" in January 2008.My dissertation is jointly supervised as a “cotutelle“ by Prof. Dr. Schlieder and Prof. Dr. de Rougemont (University Paris-Sud 11, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique). The "cotutelle" is granted by the Franco-German-University. For my stay at the LRI in Paris in 2006, I had a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

In my dissertation project, I develop a multi-layer architecture that integrates trust networks, document reference networks and further networks such as organization networks. These multi-layer networks permit generating highly personalized, trust-based recommendations, for example, for document rankings.
The dissertation proposal is published in the scope of the ECDL ’05 Doctoral Consortium in the Bulletin of the TCDL .

In the Laboratory for Semantic Information Technology, I’m involved in the COM project and the COST Action G9.

My research interests include
? Social network analysis
? Link mining
? Ontological modeling

Recent Publications

www.claudia-hess.de (currently only in German)