Change password

Guidelines for the new password

  • Please don't use trivial or easy to guess passwords!
  • Please don't use first names as password!
  • The password must have at least 12 characters!
  • Passwords may not contain the complete username or first name or last name.
  • Minimum 3 of 4 categories of characters must be included:
    • Capital letters A to Z without mutated vowels e.g. ?, ?
    • Small letters a to z without mutated vowels e.g. ?, ?, ?
    • Numerics 0 to 9
    • Special characters. Allowed special characters: ? = _ - ! " $ % + # & / ( ) , . ; :

A password change affects several IT services

As part of your university enrolment, you will be issued a personal user name (in the form of your BA number) and corresponding password. You can use these to

  • work in university computer labs and use wireless internet
  • send and receive email from your personal account
  • log in and sign up for courses on the Virtual Campus (VC)
  • access library services and information from the university network (file server and intranet) from home
  • register for courses and look up your examination results and course credit.

Your initial password is a random combination of letters and numbers. Please handle it as you would your bank PIN and create a new one as soon as possible.

Do you have further questions?

Telephone: +49 951 863-1333
Email: it-support(at)