Dr. Sebastian Günther

Room: WE5/02.055

Telephone: +49 951 863 2088

Fax: +49 951 863 5077

Email: sebastian.guenther(at)uni-bamberg.de

Consultation hour: Tuesday, 09:00 - 10:00 (by appointment)


  • 03/2024 - today: Researcher and Lecturer (Akademischer Rat a.Z.) at the Chair of Information Systems and Energy Efficient Systems, University of Bamberg
  • 10/2016 - 02/2024: Scientific assistant and PhD student at the Energy Efficient Systems Group, Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg
  • 10/2014 - 09/2016: Business Information Systems (M.Sc.), Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg – Degree with distinction
  • 10/2011 - 09/2014: Business Information Systems (B.Sc.), Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University in cooperation with Volkswagen Vertriebsbetreuungsgesellschaft

Selected Activities

Research Interests and Methods

? Feedback Interventions ? Green IS ? Field Experiments ? Data Analytics ? Internet of Things



Haag, F., Günther, S. A., Hopf, K., Handschuh, P., Klose, M., Staake, T. (forthcoming): Addressing Learners' Heterogeneity in Higher Education: An Explainable AI-based Feedback Artifact for Digital Learning Environments. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023, Paderborn, Germany

Günther, S. A., Haag, F., Hopf, K., Handschuh, P., Klose, M., Staake, T. (forthcoming): A feedback component that leverages counterfactual explanations for smart learning support. Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln – Rahmenbedingungen, Konzepte und Werkzeuge (Reihe: Perspektiven der Hochschuldidaktik)

Dangis, G., Terho, K., Graichen, J., Günther, S. A., Rosio, R., Salanter?, S., Staake, T., Stingl, C. (2023):  Hand hygiene of kindergarten children—Understanding the effect of live feedback on handwashing behaviour, self-efficacy, and motivation of young children: Protocol for a multi-arm cluster randomized controlled trial. In: PLOS ONE [link]

Graichen, J., Stingl, C., Günther, S. A., Staake, T., Pakarinen, A., Rosio, R., Salanter?, S., Terho, K. (2022): No Longer Without a Reward: Do Digital Rewards Crowd Out Intrinsic Motivation of Young Children? International Conference on Information Systems 2022 [link]

Weigert, A., Hopf, K., Günther, S. A., Staake, T. (2022): Heat Pump Inspections Result In Large Energy Savings When A Pre-Selection of Households Is Performed: A Promising Use Case of Smart Meter Data. Energy Policy [link]

Stingl, C., Günther, S. A., Staake, T. (2022): The Behavioral Mechanisms Behind Feedback – A Preliminary Model for Quantifying Cause-Effect Relationships. European Conference on Information Systems 2022,  Timi?oara, Romania  [link]

Michels, L., Ochmann, J., Günther, S. A., Laumer, S., Tiefenbeck, V. (2022): Empowering Consumers to Make Environmentally Sustainable Online Shopping Decisions: A Digital Nudging Approach. Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences 2022, Hawaii, USA [link]

Günther, S. A. (2021): The impact of social norms on students' online learning behavior: Insights from two randomized controlled trials. International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge 2021, Irvine, CA, USA [link]

Stingl, C., Günther, S. A., Staake, T. (2021): A Feedback Information System for Improving Hand Hygiene on a Personal and Organizational Level. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021, Duisburg-Essen, Germany [link]

Günther, S. A., Veihelmann, T., Staake, T. (2020): Leveraging Social Norms to Encourage Online Learning: Empirical Evidence from a Blended Learning Course. International Conference on Information Systems 2020, Hyderabad, India [link]

Günther, S. A., Staake, T., Sch?b, S., Tiefenbeck, V. (2020): The behavioral response to a corporate carbon offset program: A field experiment on adverse effects and mitigation strategies. In: Global Environmental Change [link]

Günther, S. A., Stingl, C., Coroam?, V. C., Sch?b, S., Staake, T. (2020): Empowering Personalized Feedback on Hot Water Usage: A Field Study with Shower Meters. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2020, Brno, Czechia [link]

Hauser, M., Günther, S. A., Flath, C. M., Thiesse, F. (2019): Towards Digital Transformation in Fashion Retailing: A Design-oriented IS Research Study of Automated Checkout Systems. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering  [link]

Sch?b, S., Günther, S. A., Regensburger, K., Staake, T. (2018): NIWM: Non-intrusive water monitoring to uncover heat energy use in households. In: Computer Science - Research and Development. *Best Paper Nominee Award (D-A-CH+ Energieinformatik 2017)* [link]

Hauser, M., Günther, S. A., Flath, C. M., Thiesse, F. (2017): Designing Pervasive Information Systems: A Fashion Retail Case StudyInternational Conference on Information Systems 2017, Seoul, South Korea, 10-13 December. *Best Conference Track Paper Award (Track: HCI, Design Issues and Design Science Research) and Best Overall Conference Paper Award Nominee* [link]

Hauser, M., Günther, S., Flath, C. M., Thiesse, F. (2017): Leveraging RFID Data Analytics for the Design of an Automated Checkout SystemWirtschaftsinformatik 2017, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 12-15 February [link]


  • Digitale Verhaltensinterventionen zur Unterstützung des selbstregulierten Lernens innerhalb von Online- Lernumgebungen: Konzeption, Anwendung und Wirkung 2022, ProfiLehrePlus Seminar, 14.06.2022
  • Monetary Incentives vs. Environmental Appeals for Resource Conservation: A Field Study on Motivational Strategies, Advances with Field Experiments 2020, 23-24.09.2020
  • Energieeinsparpotentiale durch Verhaltens?nderung bei der Warmwassernutzung. Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen. Fachtagung "Warmwasser", 30.08.2017