Programme Profile

The master’s degree program in Education in Business and Information Systems (Wirtschaftsp?dagogik/WI) was initiated in the Winter 2001/02 semester in response to increasing demand. This interdisciplinary curriculum combines topics from economics, teacher training, and computer science in an integrated offering that remains the only one of its kind in Germany. The program prepares students for a variety of careers in economics and administration, extracurricular and corporate educational institutions and as teachers in trade schools. The State of Bavaria recognizes the degree from this program as equivalent to the State examinations for vocational school teachers and thus it qualifies graduates to enter the postgraduate traineeship (Referendariat).

The program objectives are the acquisition of general and subject-specific decision-making skills, as well as communication, cooperation, and dealing with criticism as a basis for teamwork, project management, and leadership functions. Students in this degree program learn the skills needed to recognize and deal with problems and issues that characterize the fields of Information Systems, Economics, and Business Education. Graduates are able to illustrate and analyze these problems accurately, as well as assess their main, subsequent, and ancillary effects so they can solve them independently. This is made possible by the requirement that solutions developed, as well as their corresponding implementation processes, be formed responsibly from a users’ didactic perspective.

This master’s degree program also aims to develop the students’ ability to educate themselves independently in the future, as the dynamic nature of the field makes this an ongoing necessity. Furthermore, students acquire skills necessary to reflect on prevailing procedural methods and contribute to the further academic development of the subjects studied. The program offers students excellent prospects in the labor market.