Learning Agreements und Anrechnung von Studienleistungen aus dem Ausland und bei Hochschul- oder Studiengangswechsel

Learning agreements and approval of study achievements from abroad as well as in case of changing university or study program

On this page you can find information on both the procedure and necessary documents to receive a learning agreement and the approval of study achievements at the Chair for Supply Chain Management.

What is a learning agreement?

A learning agreement is a requirement for the approval of one or more credits earned abroad. It corresponds to a declaration of intent to agree to a credit transfer after your return. At the same time, it does not give rise to a claim for credit transfer as a full equivalence check can only be made after your return on the basis of the content taught.

How is the application process for approving study achievements?

In order to have study achievements (either completed abroad or at other universities in Germany) approved at the University of Bamberg, you must fill out this application (after your stay or change of university). With this application, the responsible research associate of the chair will confirm the equivalence of your study achievements, failures, internship achievements and periods of study.

How can study achievements be approved in case of changing university or study program?

Please read the information of the Prüfungsausschusses Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Europ?ische Wirtschaft, Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Wirtschaftsp?dagogik

The conclusion of a learning agreement is possible if the planned courses abroad are equivalent to courses offered at the University of Bamberg. This equivalence assessment requires a case-by-case examination.

For this purpose, please write an e-mail to Frau Fischer with the following:

  • Name of the course and the chair for which a learning agreement is intended.
  • Course descriptions (in German or English, as PDF or link to the homepage of the foreign university) of the foreign course in question, including information on the total number of credit hours (=SWS multiplied by the number of weeks per semester), information on the level of the course (Bachelor's or Master's course), the type and duration of examinations.
  • Request to make an appointment for consultation

With this information, a preliminary check is possible. If further documents are required, Isabel Fischer will ask you to submit them.

Please provide the following for the consultation:

  • a printed learning agreement application form Learning Agreements(38.3 KB, 1 page) that is pre-filled.

Please note: The maximum number of ECTS credits (Bachelor's/Master's) that you can substitute with foreign study achievements is regulated in the individual examination guidelines (Bachelor's and Master's programs). You can find them on the pages of the SOWI-Fakulty.

It is not unusual that changes are made to course offerings at a foreign university or that you are not able to take a certain course due to overlaps.

In this case, please contact Isabel Fischer immediately to discuss such changes. If no equivalent substitute can be found, the concluded learning agreement may be invalid. It is therefore in your interest to contact us as soon as possible.

Please schedule an appointment with Isabel Fischer for both to apply for an approval of your study achievements and to find out whether other documents not listed below are required for an approval.

Please provide the following documents for the appointment:

  • Your learning agreement, which is signed prior to your stay abroad.
  • Original transcript of records from your studies abroad.
  • Your application for approval of your achievements abroad, which is filled out and signed.
  • If necessary, further documents.

Last step: Please submit the documents checked by the chair to the Prüfungsausschuss for crediting your study achievements. Please consider related deadlines according to homepage of the Prüfungsausschusses.