Module Manual and Rules and Regulations

BA Program in General Linguistics (minor)

The most essential information on the BA-minor program in General Linguistics can be found here:

Flyer Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft(386.3 KB, 2 pages)

Module Handbook

The Module Handbook (see link below) contains essential information concerning the requirements for and the structure of the BA-minor academic program in General Linguistics, as well as schematic overviews of basic modules, complementary modules and specialization modules. 

Module Handbook effective from winter term 2021/2022(387.0 KB, 17 pages)

Older versions of the Module Handbook can be found here

General Examination Rules and Regulations [Allgemeine Prüfungsordnung]

The content and the structure of the BA minor in General Linguistics conform to the General Examination Rules and Regulations for Bachelor and Master programs [Allgemeine Prüfungsordnung] of the Faculty of Arts and Cultural Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities and to the General Rules and Regulations and Subject-Specific Examination Rules and Regulations [Studien- und Fachprüfungsordnung] for minors and second majors in BA academic programs. 

Link to General Examination Rules and Regulations for Bacherlor and Master programs offered by the Faculty of Arts and Cultural Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities [Allgemeine Prüfungsordnung für Bachelor- und Masterstudieng?nge der Fakult?ten 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 Kulturwissenschaften sowie 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网]

General Rules and Regulations and Subject-Specific Examination Rules and Regulations for minors and second majors in BA academic programs

Style guide for term papers

Style guide for term papers in linguistics (detailed version)(265.4 KB, 31 pages)

Style guide for term papers (short version)(24.6 KB, 2 pages)

Sample term paper, BA(275.5 KB, 49 pages)

Declaration of Academic Integrity(67.2 KB)