Der Gro?teil der unten gelisteten Publikationen ist über meine Profile auf Researchgate und GoogleScholar downloadbar.
Zeitschriftenbeitr?ge (mit Peer-Review)
- Landvogt, J., & Lenhart, J. (in press). Medienkonsum und deutscher Wortschatz bei Kindergartenkindern mit Migrationshintergrund: Der Einfluss der Mediensprache, Nutzungsdauer und der famili?ren Sprachumgebung [Media consumption and German vocabulary in kindergarten children with a migration background: The influence of media language, duration of use and the home language environment]. 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 in Erziehung und Unterricht.
- Wimmer, L., Messow, M., Oldach, A., Mebelli, F., & Lenhart, J. (2025). Imaginary worlds, real effects? Testing the effects of abstaining from narrative fiction on social cognition. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.
- Lenhart, J., & Heckel, F. (2025). Effects of gender-fair language on the cognitive representation of women in stereotypically masculine occupations and occupational self-efficacy among primary school girls and boys. Sex Roles, 91, 1–15.
- Lenhart, J., & Richter, T. (2024). Does watching fictional TV series increase social-cognitive skills? Scientific Study of Literature, 13(1), 22–49.
- Lenhart, J., & Richter, T. (2024). Media exposure and preschoolers’ social-cognitive development. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 42(2), 234-256.
- Scholz, A., & Lenhart, J. (2023). Masculinity and veganism: The effect of linking vegan dishes with masculinity on men's attitudes towards vegan food. Frontiers in Communication, 8, Article 1244471.
- Lenhart, J., Richter, T., Appel, M., & Mar, R. (2023). Adolescent leisure reading and its longitudinal association with prosocial behavior and social adjustment. Scientific Reports, 13, Article 9695. (registered report)
- Lenhart, J., & Lingel, K. (2023). My child lags behind: Parents’ perceptions of children’s needs for language support, their home-literacy practices, and children’s language skills. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 64, 119-128.
- Lenhart, J., & Richter, T., (2022). Does reading a single short story of literary fiction improve social-cognitive skills? Testing the priming hypothesis. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.
- Schwerin*, J., & Lenhart*, J. (2022). The effects of literariness on social-cognitive skills: Examining narrative engagement, transportation, and identification as moderators. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication. (*shared first authorship)
- Lenhart, J., Dangel, J., & Richter, T. (2022). The relationship between lifetime book reading and empathy in adolescents: Examining transportability as a moderator. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 16(4), 679–693.
- Tiffin-Richards, S. P., Lenhart, J., & Marx, P. (2022). When do examinees change their initial answers? The influence of task instruction, response confidence, and subjective task difficulty. Learning and Instruction, 82, Article 101654.
- Lenhart, J., Suggate, S., & Lenhard, W. (2022). Shared-reading onset and emergent literacy development. Early Education and Development, 33(4), 589-607.
- Suggate, S., Lenhart, J., Vaahtoranta, E., & Lenhard, W. (2021). Interactive elaborative story-telling fosters vocabulary in pre-schoolers compared to repeated-reading and phonemic awareness interventions. Cognitive Development,57, Article 100996.
- Vaahtoranta, E., Suggate, S., Lenhart, J., & Lenhard, W. (2021). Language exposure and phonological short-term memory as predictors of majority language vocabulary and phonological awareness in dual language learning. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 24(2), 319-332.
- Lenhart, J., Suggate, S., Lenhard, W., & Vaahtoranta, E. (2020). Shared-reading in small groups: Examining the effects of question demand level and placement. Cognitive Development, 55, Article 100914.
- Seitz*, M., Lenhart*, J., & Rübsam, N. (2020). The effects of gendered information in stories on preschool children’s development of gender stereotypes. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 38, 363-390. (*shared first authorship)
- Lenhart, J., Lenhard, W., Vaahtoranta, E., & Suggate, S. (2020). More than words: Narrator engagement during storytelling increases children’s word learning, story comprehension, and on-task behavior. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 51, 338–351.
- Vaahtoranta, E., Lenhart, J., Suggate, S., & Lenhard, W. (2019). Interactive elaborative storytelling: Engaging children as storytellers to foster vocabulary. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 1534.
- Lingel, K., Lenhart, J., & Schneider W. (2019). Metacognition in mathematics: Do different metacognitive monitoring measures make a difference? ZDM Mathematics Education, 51(4), 587–600.
- Lenhart, J., Marx, P., Segerer, R., & Schneider, W. (2019). Rechtschreibung ohne Schreiben. Messen Fehleridentifikation und Diktat dasselbe? [Spelling without writing: Do error detection tests and dictation tests measure the same competence?] Diagnostica, 65(4), 216–227.
- Lenhart, J., Lenhard, W., Vaahtoranta, E., & Suggate, S. (2019). The effects of questions during shared-reading: Do demand-level and placement really matter? Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 47, 49-61.
- Vaahtoranta, E., Suggate, S., Jachmann, C., Lenhart, J., & Lenhard, W. (2018). Can explaining less be more? Enriching vocabulary through explicit versus elaborative storytelling. First Language, 38(2), 198-217.
- Lenhart, J., Lenhard, W., Vaahtoranta, E., & Suggate, S. (2018). Incidental vocabulary acquisition from listening to stories: A comparison between read-aloud and free storytelling approaches. Educational Psychology, 38(5),596-616.
Zeitschriftenbeitr?ge (ohne Peer-Review)
- Lenhart, J., & Burghardt, L. (2024). Jungen sind so und M?dchen anders!? [Boys are this way and girls are different!?] uni.vers Forschung, Mai 2024, 10-13. [Download]
Bücher und Buchkapitel
- Lenhart, J., & Lenhard, W. (accepted). Sprachbezogene Rezeptionsherausforderungen und Inklusionspotenziale von Bildungsmedien aus p?dagogisch-psychologischer Perspektive [Language-related reception challenges and inclusion potentials of educational media from an educational-psychological perspective]. In. C. Ott & B. M. Bock (Eds.). Verst?ndlichkeit – Zug?nglichkeit – Barrierefreiheit: Sprachbezogene Rezeptionsherausforderungen und Inklusionspotenziale von Bildungsmedien (Reihe Forum Angewandte Linguistik). Peter Lang Verlag.
- Lenhart, J. (2022). P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 [Educational psychology]. In A. Schütz, M. Brand, & S. Steins-L?ber (Eds.), 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网: Eine Einführung in ihre Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder (pp. 346-361) (6., überarbeitete Auflage). Kohlhammer.
- Segerer, R., Lenhart, J., Marx, P., & Schneider W. (2023). Deutschtest für neunte und zehnte Klassen (DT 9–10) [Test of German Language for ninth and tenth graders]. Hogrefe.
- Lenhart, J., Segerer, R., Marx, P., & Schneider W. (2020). Fehleridentifikationstest – Rechtschreibung für neunte und zehnte Klassen (R-FIT 9–10) [Error detection test - Spelling for ninth and tenth graders]. Hogrefe.
- Lenhart, J. (2020). Learning words from stories: How method of story delivery and questioning styles influence children’s vocabulary learning [Doctoral dissertation; Psychology]. Julius-Maximilians-Universit?t Würzburg.
- Lenhart, J. (2019). Das psychologische Testverfahren im Rahmen der Einschulungsdiagnostik: Eine historische Analyse im Spiegel der Schulf?higkeitsdebatte [Psychological tests of school readiness: An historical analysis within the school readiness debate] [Unpublished bachelor's thesis; Historical Studies]. Julius-Maximilians-Universit?t Würzburg.
- Lenhart, J. (2014). Metacognitive monitoring competencies in mathematical problem-solving: Their development and relation to mathematics achievement in early secondary school [Unpublished master's thesis; Psychology]. Julius-Maximilians-Universit?t Würzburg.
- Lenhart, J. (2012). Intelligenzstabilit?t in der Sekundarstufe [Stability of intelligence in secondary school] [Unpublished bachelor's thesis; Psychology]. Julius-Maximilians-Universit?t Würzburg.
Vortr?ge und Poster bei Konferenzen und Tagungen
- Lenhart, J., Nagl, K., & Dürrbeck, M. (2025, January 27-29). Der Einfluss von geschlechteratypischen fiktionalen Rollenmodellen auf Geschlechterstereotype und das geschlechtsspezifische Spielverhalten von m?nnlichen Kindergartenkindern [Effects of counterstereotypic ficitonal role models on male preschoolers' gender stereotypes and their gender-typed play behavior] [Paper presentation]. "Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung" (GEBF) 12th Congress, Mannheim, Germany.
- Keimerl, V., & Lenhart, J. (2025, January 27-29). Konstruktion eines Rechtschreibfehleridentifikationstests für die Klassenstufen 7 und 8 [Development of an error identification test for Grade 7 and 8] [Poster presentation]. "Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung" (GEBF) 12th Congress, Mannheim, Germany.
- Landvogt, J., & Lenhart, J. (2025, January 27-29). Geschlechterstereotype bei Kindergartenkindern [Preschoolers' gender stereotypes] [Poster presentation]. "Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung" (GEBF) 12th Congress, Mannheim, Germany.
- Ratka-Pauler, A., & Lenhart, J. (2025, January 27-29). Wie ver?ndert sich die elterliche Einsch?tzung sprachlicher Kompetenzen im Verlauf der Grundschule? [The development of parental judgements of children's language skills during primary school] [Poster presentation]. "Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung" (GEBF) 12th Congress, Mannheim, Germany.
- Wimmer, L., Messow, M., Oldach, A., Mebelli, F., & Lenhart, J. (2024, November 21-24). Does a narrative fiction diet affect social cognition? [Paper presentation]. Psychonomic Society 65th Annual Meeting, New York City, United States of America.
- Lenhart, J., & Landvogt, J. (2024, September 16-19). Medienkonsum und Wortschatz bei Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund [Media exposure and vocabulary in children with migration background]. In S. Lehrl, V.-D. Berner, and F. Niklas (Chairs), Die Bedeutung der famili?ren Lernumwelt im Kindergartenund Grundschulalter: Konzeptualisierung und Zusammenh?nge mit Eltern- und Familiencharakteristiken [Symposium]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 53th Congress & "?sterreichische Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (?GP) 15th Conference, Wien, Austria.
- Lenhart, J., & Richter, T. (2024, September 16-19). The association between preschoolers’ media exposure and their social-cognitive development. In J. Lenhart and L. Wimmer (Chairs), Stories as learning opportunities: How narratives influence children’s, adolescents’, and adults’ social cognition [Symposium]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 53th Congress & "?sterreichische Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (?GP) 15th Conference, Wien, Austria.
- Marx, P., Tiffin-Richards, S. P., & Lenhart, J. (2024, September 16-19). Analyse der Item-Schwierigkeiten bei Diktaten [An analysis of item difficulties in dictation tests] [Poster presentation]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 53th Congress & "?sterreichische Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (?GP) 15th Conference, Wien, Austria.
- Ratka-Pauler. A., & Lenhart, J. (2024, September 16-19). Die elterliche Einsch?tzung sozio-emotionaler und sprachlicher Kompetenzen bei Kindergartenkindern: Welche Rolle spielen strukturelle Faktoren sowie Kinder- und Elternmerkmale? [Parents' judgements of preschhool children's social-emotional and language competences: What is the role if structural factors as well as child and parent characteristics?] [Paper presentation]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 53th Congress & "?sterreichische Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (?GP) 15th Conference, Wien, Austria.
- Schwerin, J., Lenhart, J., & Richter, T. (2024, September 16-19). Does information on the literary quality of a story and the quality of character portrayals influence readers’ experience of stories and their spontaneous use of mental state words in story summaries?. In J. Lenhart and L. Wimmer (Chairs), Stories as learning opportunities: How narratives influence children’s, adolescents’, and adults’ social cognition [Symposium]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 53th Congress & "?sterreichische Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (?GP) 15th Conference, Wien, Austria.
- Wimmer, L., & Lenhart, J. (2024, September 16-19). Does a fiction diet influence social cognition?. In J. Lenhart and L. Wimmer (Chairs), Stories as learning opportunities: How narratives influence children’s, adolescents’, and adults’ social cognition [Symposium]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 53th Congress & "?sterreichische Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (?GP) 15th Conference, Wien, Austria.
- Schwerin, J., Lenhart, J., & Richter, T. (2024, July 10-13). Paratext matters! Effects of paratextual information on readers’ perception of stories, their story experiences, and their spontaneous use of mental state words for story summaries. In K. Nation (Chair), Emotions and reading [Symposium]. Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR) 31st Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Ratka-Pauler, A., & Lenhart, J. (2024, July 10-12). Parental assessment of children's socio-emotional and language competences [Paper presentation]. EARLI SIG 5 & SIG 28 Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
- Lenhart, J. (2024, July 10-12). Discussant of the symposium "A new era of reading. The effects of digital and olfactory storybooks in ECEC". In A.-K. Cordes (Chair), A new era of reading. The effects of digital and olfactory storybooks in ECEC [Symposium]. EARLI SIG 5 & SIG 28 Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
- Lenhart, J. (2024, July 10-12). Discussant of the symposium "Fostering children's social-cognitive and emotional competences". In J. Lenhart (Chair), Fostering children's social-cognitive and emotional competences [Symposium]. EARLI SIG 5 & SIG 28 Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
- Lenhart, J., Leppert, A., & Maechler, M. (2024, July 10-12). Effects of a story intervention on preschoolers' theory of mind. In J. Lenhart (Chair), Fostering children's social-cognitive and emotional competences [Symposium]. EARLI SIG 5 & SIG 28 Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
- Schwerin, J., Lenhart, J., & Richter, T. (2023, September 26-28). The influence of paratext on readers’ perception of stories and narrative experiences [Poster presentation]. IGEL Conference 2023, Monopoli, Italy.
- Lenhart, J., & Jeger, F. (2023, September 18-20). Der Einfluss geschlechtersensibler Sprache auf die Geschlechtsassoziation von Berufen und die berufliche Selbstwirksamkeit von Grundschulkindern [The effects of gender-fair language on primary school children's gender associations of occupations and their occupational self-efficacy] [Poster presentation]. "Fachgruppe P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (PAEPS) 19. Congress, Kiel, Germany.
- Marx, P., Tiffin-Richards, S., & Lenhart, J. (2023, September 18-20). Fehlerdetektion und Fehlerkorrektur von Grundschulkindern beim Diktat [Primary school children's error detection and correction in a dictation task] [Poster presentation]. "Fachgruppe P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (PAEPS) 19. Congress, Kiel, Germany.
- Schwerin, J., & Lenhart, J. (2023, September 18-20). Du bist, was du liest? – Der Zusammenhang von Genre und sozial-kognitiven F?higkeiten [You are what you read? - The relationship between genre and social-cognitive skills] [Poster presentation]. "Fachgruppe P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (PAEPS) 19. Congress, Kiel, Germany.
- Tiffin-Richards, S., Lenhart, J., & Marx, P. (2023, September 18-20). When and why do examinees change their initial answers on exams? How the metacognitive perception of confidence guides answer-changing behaviour [Paper presentation]. "Fachgruppe P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (PAEPS) 19. Congress, Kiel, Germany.
- Lenhart, J., & Lingel, K. (2023, February 28 - March 2). Hilfe – unser Kind hinkt hinterher!? Der Zusammenhang zwischen elterlicher Wahrnehmung des Sprachf?rderbedarfs, ihren Home-Literacy Aktivit?ten, und den sprachlichen F?higkeiten der Kinder [Help - Our child lags behind!? The relationship between parents’ perceptions of children’s needs for language support, their home-literacy practices, and children’s language skills] [Paper presentation]. "Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung" (GEBF) 10th Congress, Essen, Germany.
- Lenhart, J. (2022, September 10-15). F?rdert narrative Fiktion sozial-kognitive F?higkeiten? Ein naturalistisches Onlineexperiment [Does narrative fiction improve social-cognitive skills? A naturalistic web-based experiment] [Poster presentation]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 52th Congress, Hildesheim, Germany.
- Schwerin, J., & Lenhart, J. (2022, September 10-15). Verbessert das Lesen literarischer Kurzgeschichten sozial-kognitive F?higkeiten? [Does reading literary short stories improve social-cognitive skills?] [Poster presentation]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 52th Congress, Hildesheim, Germany.
- Lenhart, J. (2022, July 14-16). Does viewing fictional TV series improve theory of mind and empathy? [Paper presentation]. IGEL Conference 2022, Orlando, United States of America (online).
- Lenhart, J. (2022, July 12-14). Do counter-stereotypic stories influence preschool children's gender stereotypes and behavioral intentions? [Paper presentation]. EARLI SIG5 2022 Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands.
- Lenhart, J., & Stammel, E. (2021, September 14-16). Geschichten und sozial-kognitive F?higkeiten: Gibt es einen Priming-Effekt? [Stories and social-cognitive skills: Is there a priming effect?]. In J. Lenhart (Chair), Der Einfluss von Geschichten auf soziale Kognition und emotionales Erleben [Symposium]. "Fachgruppe P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (PAEPSY) Congress, Heidelberg, Germany (online).
- Schwerin, J., & Lenhart, J. (2021, September 14-16). Literarische versus popul?re Kurzgeschichten: Wahrnehmung, narrative Wirkung und Einfluss auf sozio-kognitive F?higkeiten [Literary versus popular short stories: Perception, narrative effect, and influence on social-cognitive skills]. In J. Lenhart (Chair), Der Einfluss von Geschichten auf soziale Kognition und emotionales Erleben[Symposium]. "Fachgruppe P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (PAEPSY) Congress, Heidelberg, Germany (online).
- Lenhart, J., Lenhard, W., Vaahtoranta, E., & Suggate, S. (2019, September 9-12). Erz?hlen versus Vorlesen: Der Einfluss der Sprachkomplexit?t und des Erz?hlerverhaltens auf kindliches Verhalten, Wortlernen und Geschichtenverst?ndnis [Storytelling versus reading-aloud: The influence of language complexity and narrator behavior on children's behavior, word learning, and story comprehension] [Paper presentation]. "Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (PAEPSY) Congress, Leipzig, Germany.
- Vaahtoranta, E., Suggate, S., Lenhart, J., & Lenhard, W. (2019, June 23-28). Predictors of dual language learning : L2 exposure predicts vocabulary and morphology but not phonological awareness [Paper presentation]. 12th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB 12), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Lenhart, J., Lenhard, W., Vaahtoranta, E., & Suggate, S. (2018, September 15-20). Erzieherinnen und Kinderpflegerinnen als Diagnostiker: Welche Rolle spielt der Migrationshintergrund von Kindergartenkindern für die Genauigkeit der Einsch?tzung ihrer sprachlichen Leistungen? [Kindergarten teachers as diagnosticians: Does preschool children's migrational background influence kindergarten teacher's judgment accuracy of their verbal abilities?] [Paper presentation]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 51st Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Rübsam, N., Seitz, M., & Lenhart, J. (2018, September 15-20). Entwicklung eines Geschlechtsstereotyp-Fragebogen [Development of a genderstereotype questionnaire] [Poster presentation]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 51st Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Seitz, M., Rübsam, N., & Lenhart, J. (2018, September 15-20). Von mutigen Jungen und ?ngstlichen M?dchen: Reicht ein geschlechtsspezifischer Kontext in Kindergeschichten, um neue geschlechtsspezifische Assoziationen zu erwerben? [Brave Boys and Fearful Girls: Is a gender-specific context in children's stories enough to acquire new gender associations?] [Poster presentation]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 51st Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Vaahtoranta, E., Suggate, S., Lenhart, J., & Lenhard, W (2018, September 15-20). Pr?diktoren frühen kindlichen Zweitspracherwerbs – Die Rolle der Spracherfahrung und des phonologischen Arbeitsged?chtnisses für den Wortschatzerwerb [Predictors of Early Dual Language Learning – The Role of Language Experience and Phonological Working Memory for Vocabulary Development] [Paper presentation]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 51st Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Lenhart, J., Lingel, K., Lenhard, W., Vaahtoranta, E., & Suggate, S. (2018, July 18-21). More than words: Narrator engagement during storytelling increases children’s word learning and on-task behaviour [Paper presentation]. Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR) 25th Annual Conference, Brighton, UK.
- Segerer, R., Lenhart, J., Marx, P., & Schneider, W. (2018, July 17-19). "I know that I know Nothing." – The Effects of "I don’t know"-Formula Scoring in Multiple-Choice Tests of Text Comprehension [Poster presentation]. Society for Text & Discourse (ST&D) 28th Annual Meeting, Brighton, UK.
- Vaahtoranta, E., Lenhart, J., Suggate, S., & Lenhard, W. (2018, June 25-26). Predictors of dual language learning – The role of language experience and phonological working memory [Paper presentation]. Child Language Symposium (CLS), Reading, UK.
- Dangel, J., & Lenhart, J. (2017, September 11-14). Entwicklung einer Autoren- und Buchtitelcheckliste für die neunte und zehnte Jahrgangsstufe [Development of an author- and title-recognition-test for Grades 9 and 10] [Poster presentation]. "Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (PAEPSY) Congress, Münster, Germany.
- Lenhart, J., Lenhard, W., Vaahtoranta, E., & Suggate, S. (2017, September 11-14). Wortschatzerwerb durch Vorlesen: Welche Rolle spielen die Platzierung und das Anspruchsniveau von Fragen? [Learning words from books: The effects of placement and demand level of questions] [Paper presentation]. "Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (PAEPSY) Congress, Münster, Germany.
- Lenhart, J., Segerer, R., Marx, P., & Schneider W. (2017, September 11-14). Rechtschreibung ohne Schreiben: Eignet sich ein Fehleridentifikationstest als ?konomische Alternative zum Diktat? [Spelling without writing: Can we use a proofreading task instead of a dictation task?] [Paper presentation]. "Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (PAEPSY) Congress, Münster, Germany.
- Vaahtoranta, E., Lenhart, J., Suggate, S., & Lenhard, W. (2017, September 11-14). Elaborative interactive storytelling: Eine randomisierte, kontrollierte Sprachf?rderstudie im Kindergarten [Elaborative interactive storytelling: A randomized, controlled experiment regarding language acquisition in kindergarten] [Paper presentation]. "Fachgruppen Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (PAEPSY) Congress, Münster, Germany.
- Lenhart, J., Lenhard, W., Vaahtoranta, E., & Suggate, S. (2016, September 18-22). Wortschatzerwerb durch Vorlesen im Kindergarten: Effekte der Platzierung und der Schwierigkeit von Fragen [Learning words from stories: Effects of placement and demand level of questions] [Poster presentation]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 50th Congress, Leipzig, Germany.
- Vaahtoranta, E., Suggate, S., Lenhart, J., & Lenhard, W. (2016, September 18-22). Sprachf?rderung durch M?rchenerz?hlungen im Kindergarten: Ein randomisiertes Experiment [Fostering language development through fairy tales: A randomized experiment] [Paper presentation]. "Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网" (DGPs) 50th Congress, Leipzig, Germany.
Eingeladene Vortr?ge
- Lenhart, J., & Keimerl, V. (2024, December 18). Kinder entfalten Begabungspotenziale - Konzepte zur F?rderung von (Hoch-)Begabung [Children develop their potential - concepts for promoting high intellectual ability]. IQ.Kids Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany.
- Lenhart, J. (2023, February 16). Just a story? Erwerb und Beeinflussung von Geschlechterstereotypen, geschlechtsbezogenen Intentionen und Verhalten durch Geschichten [Just a story? Effects of stories on gender stereotypes, gender-associated intentions and behavior] [Lecture]. Themennachmittag "Genderforschung in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen" der Juniorprofessur für P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 der Universit?t Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany.
- Lenhart, J. (2023, February 10). Geschlechtersensible Sprache im Bildungsbereich: Was wissen wir und was wir (noch) nicht? [Genderfair language in educational contexts: What do we know and what don't we know (yet)?] [Lecture]. Forschungsseminar der Bamberg Graduate School of Teacher Education (BaGraTEd), Bamberg, Germany.
- Lenhart, J. (2022, December 12). Die Genderdebatte - Eine Chance für die P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网? [The gender debate - An opportunity for educational psychology?] [Inaugural lecture]. Universit?t Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany.
- Lenhart, J. (2021, December 10). Kinder- und Jugendbücher als kultureller und sozialer Lernkontext [Child and youth literature as context for cultural and social learning] [Lecture]. KulturPLUS-Thementag "Kinder- und Jugendliteratur für Schule und Unterricht" der Universit?t Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany.
- Lenhart, J. (2021, July 8-9). The influence of stories on children’s vocabulary development [Hot-topic session]. Würzburg Summer School “How stories affect our lives: The psychology of narrative impact”, Würzburg, Germany (online).
- Lenhart, J. (2024, June 8). Sprachdiagnostik und Sprachf?rderung im vorschulischen Bereich [Language assessment and language intervention in preschool]. [Workshop]. Fachtag der Regionalgruppe Bayern des Fachverbands für integrative Lerntherapie, Nürnberg, Germany.
- Riedlinger, S., & Lenhart, J. (2024, April 12-14). Kommunikations- und L?sungsstrategien für die Interaktion mit klugen Kindern (KLIKK) [Strategies for communication and problem solving with gifted children] [Workshop for parents]. Begabungspsychologische Beratungsstelle der Universit?t Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
- Riedlinger, S., & Lenhart, J. (2023, February 10-12). Kommunikations- und L?sungsstrategien für die Interaktion mit klugen Kindern (KLIKK) [Strategies for communication and problem solving with gifted children] [Workshop for parents]. Begabungspsychologische Beratungsstelle der Universit?t Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
- Riedlinger, S., & Lenhart, J. (2022, May 27-29). Kommunikations- und L?sungsstrategien für die Interaktion mit klugen Kindern (KLIKK) [Strategies for communication and problem solving with gifted children] [Workshop for parents]. Begabungspsychologische Beratungsstelle der Universit?t Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.
- Drechsel, B., & Lenhart, J. (2021, October 20). Lernberatung in der Schule: ?ber Unterricht ins Gespr?ch kommen [Learn coaching in school: Talk about teaching] [Workshop]. 15. Bamberger Schulleitungssymposium, Bamberg, Germany.