Ort: KR12/02.18

Vortrag von Dr. Milan Ivkov (University of Novi Sad, Serbia) im Rahmen des Geographischen Kolloquiums

Rural Tourism in Serbia

Am Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2018 um 18 Uhr c.t. in KR12/02.18 wird Dr. Milan Ivkov von der University of Novi Sad, Serbia einen Gastvortrag zu "Rural Tourism in Serbia" halten.

Treffpunkt ist, wie immer, 18 Uhr c.t. im Raum Kr12/02.18. Alle Interessierten sind - zum Kolloquium, wie auch zum Postkolloquium - herzlich eingeladen!

Abstract zum Vortrag:

Serbia has great potentials for development of rural tourism as its rural areas occupy around 90% of the territory. However, the level of Serbia’s current competitiveness in this market is quite low, regardless of the great natural, cultural and social base for its development. The beginning of the rural tourism development dates back to 1970s. Since then, it has been constantly growing market with an increase of around 650% of registered households in the last 10 years. Since rural tourism is recognised as an area of a great potential, other forms of tourism, such as cultural or recreational tourism, have been integrated into rural tourism making new form of tourist products, e.g. Green routes or Food routes. Furthermore, events related to rural tourism and gastronomy are numerous and well visited. A very popular form of hospitality establishments that offer traditional accommodation and slow food are sala?i (traditional type of farm, usually remote from a village), mainly located in Vojvodina Province (Pannonian Plain). The complete offer related to rural tourism is presented online through specialised websites and through National and Local Tourism Organisation websites. The results of relevant studies are presented.