The replication crisis in science: Challenges and chances for linguistics


Lukas S?nning (University of Bamberg)

Workshop description

Linguistics has been undergoing a methodological paradigm shift towards an increasingly quantitative discipline. The language sciences should therefore be engaging actively with the issues that have recently been raised in the context of the 'replication crisis' in the quantitative sciences. This workshop takes a step in this direction by (i) introducing participants to the key problems identified within this discourse and (ii) giving an outline of the set of proposed solutions and emerging best practices. The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness and point to resources for further study. Our discussions are likely to continue well into the BICLCE conference, which should offer many opportunities for methodological introspection, to motivate us, as a community, to reflect on our current practice and think about constructive ways forward.

This meta-methodological workshop will take place Wednesday, 25 Spetember, 2-5.50pm at the conference venue. It is free of charge but limited to 30 participants. Places are awared on a first-come-first-served basis for registered conference participants. To sign up, please write a mail to the BICLCE 2019 organizing team, stating your name and affiliation .