Digital Teaching and Learning Labs (DigiLLabs)

funded by: Initiative BAYERN DIGITAL II, Oberfrankenstiftung and Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre

DigiZ coordinates and provides academic support for the development of ready-made learning environments:

  • Digital Teacing and Learning Labs
    • as a central hub for organising seminars on a regular basis
    • as a vibrant place for academic and practical exchange on digital techniques as well as teaching and learning settings
  • Objectives
    • providing and using state-of-the-art learning technologies and new learning environments
    • teaching and developing educational content
    • direct and media-based testing of
      • different teaching-learning arrangements and
      • forms of intervention
    • critical evaluation of the observed effects with regard to
      • motivation,
      • knowledge acquisition and
      • communication patterns


The DigiLLabs are open to lecturers and students alike to ask questions and to test the technology in the Lab at so-called “Open-Lab” appointments. Feel free to come on by!


Professional-Worlds-LLab: on request

Elementary-LLab: on request

Language-LLab: on request

Technical Support

 media technology support and assistance with questions relating to the DigiLLabs

 LU19 / 01.12

 Pascal Gutjahr 

 0951 / 863 - 2495


If you have any questions about the DigiLLabs or require instruction, please contact us at...


Einen ?berblick über inhaltliche Schwerpunkte der LLabs und die jeweiligen Ansprechpersonen bietet Ihnen unser Flyer(2.5 MB)

 ?bergreifende Informationen zu den DigiLLabs