Ines Rieger

"AI workshop" for students at the vocational high school in Nuremberg, 09.02.2024

What is AI and how to become an AI expert

The Chair of Explainable Machine Learning held an "AI workshop" for the state vocational high school (BOS) in Nuremberg [link] and the Dientzenhofer Gymnasium in Bamberg.

In the entertaining workshop, nine enthusiastic students were given an insight into the history and principles of artificial intelligence and how it differs from human intelligence. The excursion was organized by Daniel K?rner, StD, on behalf of the BOS, who accompanied the group to Bamberg.

The participants were able to train a simple AI model themselves with real data using Python. The models allowed the classification of handwritten digits, clothing, animals, and other objects such as airplanes, but also simple medical data. This allowed the participants to appreciate that the discussed algorithms can be applied to many different types of data. In addition, Ines Rieger, a research assistant at the chair, introduced the algorithmic basics of neural networks.

Another focus of the workshop was the discussion of possible career paths after the BOS. The importance and origin of data was also the subject of a lively discussion. To conclude the workshop, the group went to Schlenkerla and tasted typical specialties from Bamberg.