Ein Referent steht vor einer Leinwand und tr?gt vorStephanie Fr?ba / Universit?t Bamberg

Exciting business ideas for a digital world

At the Pitch Night, 16 students in four teams presented their business plans and prototypes for a new digital business idea.

Digital solutions for the following problems were presented and discussed with the audience:

? weCARE: The first team addresses the problem of being overwhelmed in the "management of administrative tasks" after the death of relatives >> through digital death care, the app weCare supports bereaved families in important decision-making processes.

? FINCLU: The second team proposes a solution to address the loss of members of local associations and the desire for easier access to leisure activities in the region >> a platform was developed for "leisure networking" with associations, groups and people in the region

? Bargain: Team 3 addresses the problem that many vouchers remain unused when shopping >> a digital wallet for voucher management and voucher trading was developed

? Matchhive: How do we solve housing shortages in the region? >> Team 4 has designed a matching platform for shared housing that connects landlords, existing tenants and potential new flatmates.

The project management team around Prof. Dr. Daniel Beimborn, David Zurek, Elias Grewe and Ferdinand Mittermeier (Chair of Information Systems, especially Information Systems Management) was very positively impressed by the students' ideas, commitment and initiative. Since this project is a contrast to the often very theoretical lecture content at university, the students are often faced with new challenges: From finding a real customer problem to independently developing and testing a prototype to creating a first business model, they were all able to master them.

The final event of the project 'Digital Entrepreneurship' was organised in cooperation with Digital.Fabrik GmbH, sponsored by the medium-sized company CHSN and the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BIG) of the University of Bamberg.