Theresa Henn

Theresa Henn works as a research associate at the Deparment of Information Systems and Social Networks at the University of Bamberg since July 2020. In her PhD studies, she specializes in the analysis of protest movements on social media. From July 2020 until June 2023, she was a member of the project “How do the central social conflict structures change within Germany? Social media analytics of collective protests and movements” which is supported by the Bayrischen Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation (bidt).

During her studies, she collected practical experiences at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as well as at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Particularly, she collaborated with economic and political stakeholders in the field of data analysis and empirical research.  

She finished her master’s degree in political science and computational social sciences at the University of Bamberg and Sciences Po Lille. Her final thesis “Violence in Social Movements and its Attraction of Public Attention within the Digital Age“ covered the programming of neural networks and the automatized image detection of social media data. She completed her bachelor’s degree in political science and economics at the University of Mannheim and Trinity College Dublin.

Research Interests

  • Online Communities, Protest Movements & Social Media
  • Machine Learning, especially Image Analysis
  • Social Network Analysis, espeically Socio-Semantic Analysis


Theresa Henn supports the master lectures “Analyse sozialer Netzwerke“ and "Netzwerktheorie," the masters' course "Project Online Social Networks," the bachelor lecture "Wissens- und Informationsmanagement" and supervises final theses.

Selected Publications

Conference Participation

  • International Conference for Computational Social Science (IC2S2) 2023: The Emergence of Collective Identities Online: Detecting Patterns in Social Movement Formation on Twitter
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie Kongress 2022: Inwieweit lassen "digital trace data" Rückschlüsse auf die kollektive Identit?t sozialer Bewegungen zu?
  • Sunbelt - International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) Conference 2022: Conceptualizing and Measuring Collective Identity Online


  • Nomination "Award for Good Teaching" 2022
  • "Award for Good Teaching" in 2023