Catalog of Courses on Gender and Diversity

Universities are places of change or envronments of transition in which diversity is welcomed and respected. This should not only be seen in the people who study and work here, but also in the content of our courses. The course catalog linked below gives you an overview of which courses are related or connected to diversity or gender studies. We encourage you to consciously integrate these lectures into your class schedule. Lecturers who have done an excellent job of teaching these diversity- or gender-related courses can be nominated at the end of every summer semester for the Bettina Paetzold Award.

You can find a lecture overview in UnivIS. For the summer semester of 2024, a list of courses related to gender and diversity studies can be found in the current catalog of courses on gender and diversity(1.0 MB) (in German). For the winter semster courses related to gender and diversity will be uploaded as soon as announced.

"Gender Studies" Online Module presented by the Virtual University of Bavaria

The ability of groups and teams to work well together is largely determined by how the relationships between men and women are constructed and how the differing personalities are managed within those groups. Who talks more, who talks less? Who makes decisions, who is responsible for the atmosphere? Who is present and in what role? Within this context, no one can ignore the neccessity of the additional qualification of gender competence.

This course is taught in German via the Virtual University of Bavaria (vhb). It covers many topics on gender, diversity, equality, and more. To register for the class, please visit the vhb online module

For more information about the course, please contact:

Prof. Dr. habil. Corinna Onnen
Universit?t Vechta
Driverstra?e 22
Tel.: +49 (0)4441-15 305
