Evaluation ?Kitas S-Plus“

Evaluation of Kitas S-Plus

Since the commencement of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilitiesin 2009, the implementation of inclusive projects and the specific realization of inclusion in day-care facilities for children are mandatory and a central subject in early childhood education. In Germany distinct heterogeneity in day-care facilities is dominating, especially since inclusive day-care and preschools are not the rule and further training for educators in practical experience is not comprehensive (Albers et al., 2020, p. 2). Moreover, skilled employees for inclusion often are not permanently employed, whereby they are less available for for day-care facilities and their children with the need of assistance. For this realisation a multiprofessional cooperation is needed (Wertfein et al., 2018, p. 5).

The agenda “Kita für alle” (“Day-care for all”) created by the city Stuttgart has targeted the further development of inclusion of children with need of assistance in day-care facilities together with a development of its frame conditions. Within the context of this program, a pilot project with day-care facilities in Stuttgart is supported as “Kitas S-Plus” by a permanent employment of skilled personnel specialised in inclusion. These employees are integrated in the team of the day-care educators as well as parents. Theyprovide a transfer of their knowledge about therapeutic and special needs education.

It is the aim of the interval evaluation of this project to infer recommended action to optimize the structure and quality of the “Kita S-Plus” process. In addition, achievements and sticking points during the further development shall be identified and the experience of the families and children captured. This is carried out by quantitative and qualitative surveys with parents and qualified pedagogic employees of the targeted daycare facilities. With the project “Kitas S-Plus”, the parameters of a succeeding inclusion in daycare facilities can be identified. Furthermore, these parameters will support the future development of day-care facilities in terms of inclusion.


Start of the project:  September 2022

Sponsor: Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart


Final report:

Burghardt, L.& Stacheder, M. (2023). Abschlussbericht der Zwischenevaluation des Modellprojekts ?Kitas S-Plus“. Ein Modellprojekt zur Weiterentwicklung der Inklusion von Kinder mit Behinderungen in Kindertageseinrichtungen. Unver?ffentlichter Abschlussbericht. Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg. https://doi.org/10.20378/irb-89682



Dr. Lars Burghardt (Head of the project)

E-Mail: lars.burghardt(at)uni-bamberg.de


Prof. Dr. Yvonne Anders

E-Mail: yvonne.anders@uni-bamberg.de


Magdalena Stacheder

E-Mail: magdalena.stacheder(at)uni-bamberg.de


Nikola Klostermann (student assistant)

Melina Toth (student assistant)