Evaluation of the federal program ?Sprach-Kitas“ (engl. ?Language-Daycare“)

In January 2016, the German Federal Ministry for Families, Seniors, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) launched the federal program “Sprach-Kitas: Weil Sprache der Schlüssel der Welt ist” (English: “Language-Daycare: Because language is the key to the world”). From 2016 to 2020, the BMFSFJ utilized this federal program to assist about 6000 German daycare centers in their task of supporting the language development of children from non-German as well as educationally disadvantaged families. In doing so, a special focus was on the realization of inclusive pedagogics as well as on the cooperation with families. In the course of the program execution, additional expert consultants and supplementary employees were implemented to offer the daycare centers continuous support. For detailed information about the federal program please click here. 

In the current extension phase 2021/2022, not only the proven structure of the federal program is maintained, but also the challenges and chances of digitalized pedagogical activities are taken up. This new focus on digitalization refers, on one hand, to monitoring the digital transformation within the three fields of action (everyday language education, inclusive pedagogics, cooperation with families) on the levels of children and families. On the other hand, it refers to utilizing digitalization in terms of communication and professionalization on the level of the employees. 

The scientific evaluation of the federal program is conducted by the Chair of Early Childhood Education of the Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg in cooperation with the Department of Early Childhood Education of the Freie Universit?t Berlin. In the evaluation, the implementation and the effects of the program are investigated on the levels of expert consultants, facilities, employees, and families. The empiric evaluation has a longitudinal design that contains quantitative and qualitative elements.  

Who will be involved in the study? 

In the extension phase of the evaluation, 100 expert consultants and their Sprach-Kita unions (in total about 1000 daycare centers) as well as 77 facility sponsors will be involved. For the family surveys, a new sample of 1000 families will be drawn; for in-depth analyses, a subsample of 200 families/children will be set as a target. On the level of the daycare centers, another subsample of 400 employees will be drawn to conduct a diary study that examines the digital media use in the pedagogical practice. By the end of the program period, a new level of investigation will be explored: In an additional survey, federal representatives will be asked to reflect in retrospect on their role and perception regarding the federal program. 


Who are we? 

The institutions that cooperate in the conduction of the evaluation study are a union of the Chair of Early Childhood Education of the Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg and the Department of Early Childhood Education of the Freie Universit?t Berlin. 


Project lead: 

Prof. Dr. Yvonne Anders 

Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg 

Lehrstuhl für Frühkindliche Bildung und Erziehung 

96045 Bamberg 


Further Information about this person

Prof. Dr. Katharina Kluczniok 

Freie Universit?t Berlin 

Arbeitsbereich Frühkindliche Bildung und Erziehung 

Habelschwerdter Allee 45 

14195 Berlin 


Further Information about this person

Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Ro?bach 

Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg 

Lehrstuhl für Frühkindliche Bildung und Erziehung 

96045 Bamberg 


Further Information about this person


Project period 

First project period:  04.03.2016 –?31.12.2020 

Extension period:  01.01.2021 – 31.12.2022 


Project sponsor: 

Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ)