Legal Notice


Information pursuant to § 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and § 55 of the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV).


The internet services and information of the University of Bamberg are published under the authority of the president of the University of Bamberg.


University of Bamberg
Kapuzinerstrasse 16
D-96045 Bamberg
Phone: +49 951 863-0
Fax: +49 951 863-1005
Email: post(at)  

Legal Structure

The University of Bamberg is a public enterprise pursuant to Article 11 Section 1 Paragraph 1 of the Bavarian Higher Education Act. It administers its own affairs as an enterprise and public affairs as a state institution – Article 12 Section 1 of the Bavarian Higher Education Act.

Authorised Representative

The Chairman of the university board of management, University President Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Godehard Ruppert, represents the University of Bamberg in legal affairs.

The responsible party, pursuant to § 5 of the German Telemedia Act and § 55 of the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement, is the university president. The creators of pages with separate legal notices or named authors are responsible for the content of such pages.

Supervising Authority

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Salvatorstra?e 2
80333 München

Editorial Responsibility

Division Communication and Alumni (Z/KOM)
Kapuzinerstra?e 16
96047 Bamberg
Phone: +49 951 863-1020
Fax: +49 951 863-4021
E-Mail: kommunikation(at)


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