Prof. Dr. phil. Yvonne Anders (Chairholder)

Address: Luisenstra?e 5, LS 5/ 01.03

Telephone: 0951/863 1818


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Ulrike Deutschmann (Secretary)

Adress: Luisenstra?e 5, LS5/ 01.02

Telefone: 0951/863-1821

E-Mail:  ulrike.deutschmann(at)

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Dr. Lars Burghardt (Research Assistant)

Dr. Lars Burghardt is substituting the professorship for Pedagogy of Early Childhood at RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau in WiSe 2023/2024 (contact: No new theses can be supervised.


Address: Luisenstra?e 5, LS5 / 01.07

Telephone: 0951/863-1988

E-Mail:  lars.burghardt(at)

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Dr. Elisa Oppermann (Research Assistant)

Address: Luisenstra?e 5, LS 5/ 01.11


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Luisa Prokupek (Research Assistant)

Address: Luisenstra?e 5, LS 5/ 01.12

Telephone: 0951/863-1965


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Dr. Hande Erdem M?bius (Research Assistant)

Address: Luisenstra?e 5, LS 5/ 02.03


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Sabine Blaurock (Reseach Assistant)

Address: Luisenstra?e 5, LS 5/ 01.12

Telephone: 0951/863-1124

E-Mail: sabine.blaurock(at)

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Sebastian Then (Research Assistant)

Address: Luisenstra?e 5, LS 5/ 01.11

Telephone: 0951/863-2788


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Dr. Theresia Hummel (Research Assistant)

Address: Luisenstra?e 5, LS 5/ 02.03

Telephone: 0951/863-2933


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Kristina Hausladen (Research Assistant)


Adress: Luisenstra?e 5, LS5/ 01.01

Telefone: (+49)-(0)951/863-2789

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Magdalena Stacheder (Research Assistant)

Adress: Luisenstra?e 5, LS5/ 02.03

Email: magdalena.stacheder(at)

Telefone: 0951/ 863 3064



Representatives of "Berufliche Bildung und ihre Didaktik"/ "Occupational education and its didactics"