Digitalisation in Professional Education: Study of Tablet Computer Usage in Business Courses at the Handelslehranstalt Hameln

From 15-18 May, Professor Karl-Heinz Gerholz and Markus Dormann of Bamberg’s Economics and Business Education Professorship teamed up with the Handelslehranstalt Hameln to conduct a cross-sectional study on the use of tablet computers in business and economics courses.  The study employed various methodological processes (including continuous state samplings, learning strategy tests, knowledge tests, video recordings, focus group interviews) to compare tablet classes with conventional classes in the 12th grade of the Fachoberschule. Focus was placed on the students’ perception of lessons and the effect of the utilised media. The on-site study was supervised by Markus Dormann. Support was provided by Armin Schütte, Bj?rn Lenz and the headmaster of the Handelslehranstalt Bernd Schütte. Christian Leberl and J?rg Schlierf also participated in the study as part of their thesis projects. The study was part of the research focus group on digitalisation in training and further education.

Abschlussfoto zur Hamelnstudie Klasse 12c und 12 d sowie von links nach rechts Christian Leberl, OStDBernd Strahlher, Dipl. Hdl; Dipl. Soz. Markus Dormann, Christian Leberl, OStR Bj?rn Lenz sowie StR Armin Schütte.

Group photo of study participants from the classes 12c and 12c, including, from left to right, Christian Leberl, Bernd Strahlher, Markus Dormann, Christian Leberl, Bj?rn Lenz and Armin Schütte.

Group work in a tablet course

Videography employed in the lesson experiment