Registration for Examination

Central registration available from November 25, 2021 to December 13, 2021 via FlexNow

Dear students,


the central registration for the winter semester 2021/2022 will be available via FlexNow as of 25.11.2021-13.12.2021.
Deregistration: 25.11.2021-31.01.2022.

For further information see:

Please make sure to register for the courses “Business-to-Business-M?rkte“ and ?Blockchain Applications for Business“ via Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (VHB).


Examination Dates for Sales and Marketing in WS21/22:



?Global Marketing  04.02.2022

?Business-to-Business-M?rkte (VHB)  04.02.2022

?Strategic Brand Management  18.02.2022

?Introduction to Marketing Intelligence  07.03.2022

?Sales and Marketing Management  17.03.2022



?Intercultural Challenges in Customer and Account Mmgt. 14.01.2022

?Blockchain Applications for Business (VHB)  04.02.2022

?Price Management   23.02.2022

?Business-to-Business Marketing & Purchasing  25.02.2022

?Nachhaltigkeit in Vertrieb und Marketing  04.03.2022 

?Methoden der Marktforschung   14.03.2022


Good luck for the upcoming exams, 

Your Marketing and Sales Department