Podcast Servus KI

Together with two AI experts from the industry, Professor Mirbabaie took part in the podcast “Servus KI” of the University of Bamberg on the topic of AI in companies. As a professor in the field of information systems, especially AI engineering in companies, he was able to represent the scientific perspective in the discussion. 

Since Artificial intelligence is regarded as the key technology of the 21st century, experts are convinced that AI systems will fundamentally change the world of work. Therefore, the panel in this podcast discuss: Why do we need AI in companies? Will AI systems complement or replace us? What is important in the upcoming transformation? What differences between large companies and SMEs need to be taken into account?

If you are interested in insights from practice and science on the topic of AI in companies - you are welcome to listen to the podcast! You can find the podcast here: https://servus-ki.podigee.io/10-neue-episode

? Servus KI Podcast 

#Wirtschaftsinformatik #informationsystems #ISResearch #informationsystems_aic #universityofbamberg