JGM Best Paper Award at EURAM 2014

Liebe Besucherinnen und Besucher,

der Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Personalmanagement nimmt gleich zwei der drei Pl?tze im Rahmen der Verleihung des JGM Best Paper Award ein! Wir freuen uns sehr über diesen Erfolg!

?The first runner-up is Maike Andresen for her paper entitled “The bright and dark side of job embeddedness: The role of job embeddedness in predicting job performance and OCBs of organizational and self-initiated expatriates”.  Maike is from the University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany. The second runner-up is Christian Linder for the paper with the title: “Expatriates’ symbolic leadership adjustment. An analysis of how culture affects expatriates’ use of symbolic interaction to lead when abroad”. Christian is also from the University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany.                

The Editorial Team of JGM acted as double-blind judges on the Reward Panel.”

Beste Grü?e
Ihr Lehrstuhlteam PM