
Ausgew?hlte Vortr?ge von Prof. Dr. Fliaster für Unternehmen und Wirtschaftsorganisationen im In- und Ausland

Professor Dr. Alexander Fliaster tritt regelm??ig als Keynote Speaker bei internationalen Veranstaltungen für Führungskr?fte auf.

Professor Fliaster hielt im Oktober 2017 einen Vortrag zum Thema "The Network-driven Change Strategy" für mehr als 100 internationale Führungskr?fte der Gesch?ftsbereiche "Gasoline Systems" und "Diesel Systems" der Robert Bosch GmbH in Bamberg.

Professor Fliaster machte am 18.11.2014 eine Pr?sentation auf der International SAP Conference for Portfolio and Project Management. Unter den Zuh?rern waren ca. 80 Führungskr?fte und IT-Experten von SAP, Volvo, Bombardier AerospaceAirbus Helicopters, United Nations Industrial Development Organization und vielen anderen renommierten internationalen Unternehmen und Organisationen. 

Im August 2014 hielt Professor Fliaster einen Vortrag zum Thema ?Impact of Internal Social Networks on Collaborative Knowledge Processes and Creativity“ bei der Bank of America Merrill Lynch in New York, USA.

Unter welchen Voraussetzungen kann Wissensmanagement zur Innovation und Wettbewerbsf?higkeit beitragen? Darüber diskutierten im Rahmen des Nürnberger Expertenforums Mediengespraeche@kreuzer Professor Alexander Fliaster (Lehrstuhlinhaber für BWL & Innovationsmanagement an der Universit?t Bamberg), Kerstin Bücher (Senior Expert Learning & Development, von der Elektrobit Automotive GmbH) und Paul Seren (Leiter Zentrales Wissensmanagement, von der Schaeffler Gruppe), zusammen mit den Gastgebern und Diskussionsleitern Sabine Liberty und Rechtsanwalt Dr. Günther Kreuzer.

Weiterlesen hier(958.8 KB).

The Wales Public Service Summer School is a premier learning event sponsored by the Welsh Government. It is a collaborative learning experience designed to build the skills of more than 250 managers and leaders working across Welsh public services. This event is specifically aimed at persons currently engaged in delivering change and searching for new approaches to innovate and achieve success.

Feedback for Alexander Fliaster:

'Hoping I can analyse the communication routes within my organisation. Great illustration of systems available to review effectiveness of communications'

'Alexander's presentation was very interesting, will try to look up more on the theories mentioned'

'The benefits of strong and weak ties'

'Enjoyed social network presentation. It enabled me to place my experience of networks in a theoretical context'

'Alex was excellent, useful to see networking in an empirical format'

'The value of collaboration with colleagues, importance of ties, including weak ones - it's about us as individuals. Found the action plan a useful tool to take back with me'

'Interesting, unexpected, thought-provoking'

For more details see Link 

Collaboration in Social Networks: Masterclass von Prof. Dr. Fliaster an der HRD Creativity & Organisation Development Conference, London 2011

How well do the employees in your organisation exchange knowledge and work together on new ideas? Are you able to recognize, map and effectively support social networks and collaborative working? What are the differences between social networks of high performers and low performers? What are the benefits and costs of informal collaboration? What skills are required for successful collaboration in networks and how these skills can be developed?

Based on extensive new research, this interactive masterclass delivered by Prof. Fliaster explains the impact of social networks on knowledge sharing, creativity, and innovation in organizations and provides practical recommendations from both the HR development and the individual manager’s perspectives. 

Gastvortr?ge am Lehrstuhl: Dialoge mit Führungskr?ften