Klara Hermes
Office: Markusplatz 3, Room: M3N/01.31, 96047 Bamberg, Germany
E-Mail: klara.hermes(at)uni-bamberg.de
Phone: +49 (0)951/863-1896
Pillar 1: Education, Personal Development and Learning from Early Childhood to Adulthood
Field: Psychology
Research Interests: Early childhood, language development, executive functions, socio-emotional development, deaf and hard-of-hearing children, parent-child interaction
+visit Klara's website at the Chair of Developmental Psychology
Language and Parent-Child Interaction in the Development of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and Typical Hearing Children (working title)
2018 - 2021
Master of Science in Psychology at the University of Münster with Focus on Learning, Development, and Counselling,
Thesis: ?Einfluss von sprachlichen F?higkeiten und elterlicher Ko-Regulation auf sozio-emotionale Kompetenzen von Kindern mit und ohne H?rbehinderung“
2016 - 2017
Studies at the University of Deusto in Bilbao (Spain)
2014 - 2018
Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Bamberg
Thesis: "Theory of Mind-Entwicklung bei bolivianischen und deutschen Kindern"
2014 – 2021
Student Scholarship of the Cusanuswerk
- 16.-20.06.2024 Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), Lisbon /Portugal, Presentation: “Associations between executive functions and language skills in deaf and hard-of-hearing versus typical hearing 3-year-old children”
- 10.-12.07.2024 EARLI SIG5 and SIG28 conference 2024, Warsaw/Poland, Poster: “Associations between executive functions and language skills in deaf and hard-of-hearing versus typical hearing preschoolers”
- 15.-19.09.2024 DGPs/?GP Congress 2024, Vienna/Austria, Poster: ?Exekutive Funktionen: Zusammenhang mit sprachlichen F?higkeiten und Lernumwelt in der frühen Kindheit“
- 26.-27.09.2024 BRISE-Konferenz, Berlin/Germany, Poster: “Atypical Language Development and Parental Communication: Implications for Theory of Mind Development”
- Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs). Presentation: ?Emotionsregulationskompetenzen, sprachliche Kompetenzen, psychosoziale Anpassung und emotionsbezogenes Elternverhalten bei Kindern mit und ohne H?rbehinderung“. Hildesheim/Germany. 10. – 15.09.2022.
- European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP). Poster: “Associations between executive functions and language skills in deaf and hard-of-hearing versus typical hearing preschoolers”. Turku/Finland. 28.8. – 1.9.2023
Work Experience:
- since 2021
Research and teaching scientist at the Chair of Psychology I – Developmental Psychology (Prof. Dr. S. Weinert) at the University of Bamberg - 2020 - 2021
Student teaching assistant at the working unit Developmental Psychology, University of Münster - 2017 - 2018
Student research assistant at the project ?ViVA“ (Video-based Validity Analysis of Measures of Early Childhood Competencies and Home Learning Environment), University of Bamberg
Teaching Experience:
- Winter Term 2023/24 until and Winter Term 2024/25
Seminar “Language and socio-emotional development in early and middle childhood” - Sommer Term 2024
Seminar “Socio-cognitive and socio-emotional development” - Summer Term 2023
Seminar “Language, Communication and Hearing in Child Development” - Winter Term 2022/2023
Seminar “Leaving Traces – Family as a context of development” - Summer Term 2021 until Summer Term 2023
Seminar “Selected Topics of Developmental Psychology”
? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences
Image Credits: ? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences