Dr. Mareike Spychala


Seminare im Basismodul

  • Introduction to British and American Cultural Studies
  • Introduction to English and American Literary Studies

Seminare im Aufbau- und Vertiefungsmodul

  • Race and Politics in German and U.S.-American Culture
  • Feminist Theory, Feminist Fiction: Transatlantic Conversations
  • Skeletons in the Closet: Gothic and Horror in American Literature and Culture
  • Emily Dickinson and Her Contemporaries
  • Gender, Race, and Nationality: Transatlantic Literature and Culture from the 18th to the Early 20th Century
  • "East Goes West": Tracing Developments in Asian American Literature and Culture
  • From Poetry to Song Lyrics: Analysing and Teaching Verse (Interdisziplin?res Seminar)
  • "This Double-Consciousness" - African American and Afro German Literature and Culture
  • British and American SF/F TV and its Literary and Cultural Adaptations: Situating "Doctor Who" and "Star Trek" (zusammen mit Dr. Kerstin-Anja Münderlein)
  • Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in American Literature
  • Riding off Into the Sunset: The Western in German and American Culture
  • Writing the American Character? Autobiography in U.S. Literature
  • Mission Accomplished? American Literature about the Second Iraq War 
  • "Hijab Scenes": Exploring Contemporary Arab American Literature

?bungen (alle Module)

  • "Uncle Sam Wants You:" War in American Culture (inklusive Filmserie "The Americans Come": War in American Cinema)

?bungen im Erg?nzungsmodul

  • Methods and Theories of Cultural Studies